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At the heart of Statera IK Ltd. are Izabella and Kat - founders and co-owners of the company.

At some point in our lives we felt that having a career was simply not enough. On the surface, we both had good jobs in established companies and were promoted several times. Inside though, we were deeply unfulfilled and felt like we were not using our full potential. We both longed to wake up feeling like our work was making a difference – to someone or something. This is when a thought

came and provoked us to leave the comfort zone and follow our passion for natural approach to health and life. Coming across the detoxification method by Dr Josef Jonas was a turning point.

One night, when the kids were fast asleep, we were talking about life, health, nature, deep emotions, and quantum physics. Suddenly, an idea – like lightning – stroke us at random. It was an idea of becoming a therapist. By the morning, the plan of action was born.

We worked hard to deepen our knowledge and gain experience and in November 2019 we established our company, Statera IK Ltd. The idea to promote balanced life free from toxins came from Dr Jonas, who between the lines about his unique method of removing toxins, strongly emphasised that physical, emotional, mental and energy balance is essential in maintaining health and happiness.


We would love to spread this word around, so other people can experience a toxins-free, healthy, and balanced life.

We invite you to join us on this amazing journey to your health transformation.


At Statera we believe that every human being has the capacity to live a long, healthy and fulfilling life provided we are free of toxins. Here we talk about our emotional as well as physical health in conjunction with the environment we live in.

At Statera IK Ltd. we take a natural and holistic approach to health issues. We remove toxins on a cellular level and tailor a unique treatment using information supplements in order to activate the immense power of our immune system to remove toxins and enable our bodies to self-heal.

Statera IK Ltd is Marion’s Business Partner in the UK. Marion is a Company owned by Dr Josef Jonas – the Creator of the Detoxification Method with the use of Information Medicine.


Over the summer holiday my child contracted parasite’s infection, which I was not aware of. In October a massive purulent discharge was covering her lower eyelid. I have checked her and found that she had a leech type parasite in her kidneys. Following the principles of Chinese Medicine, kidneys meridian goes through the lower eyelid. In my child’s case, this became an exit point for the parasite.

We have completed a course of information supplements treatment supported with herbs and diet. The problem has not resolved as she was having the reoccurring discharge on her eye.

I have checked her again and detected parasite’s toxins being stored in the places where the parasite was found previously. Only after applying a treatment for the parasite’s toxins we managed to resolve the problem for good.

K Wieczorek, Enfield

I use this method and I am very happy with the results. I got rid of some very harmful substances like mercury, aluminium and cadmium. I also got rid of a runny nose that lasted for years. I highly recommend it!

P Krzyzaniak, Banbury

I came to see Izabella with a pain in my shoulders and arms. The testing showed that my bones, joints and other organs were loaded with biogenic salts and heavy metals. Only after the first treatment my pain (on a scale from 0-10) went down from 7-8 to 1-2. I am very happy and looking forward to the following treatments to remove the remaining toxins.

A Foster, Morecambe

I have been involved with the Detoxification Methods for the last 10 years. I am the most impressed with its multi-layered approach; it deals with a physical, psychological as well as emotional issues.

As opposite to the conventional approach, the Detoxification Therapist investigates the causes of the illness and suggests the treatment at the end of which the problem is being resolved for good. In my case, this Method works really well on the emotional level. Many times thanks to the right diagnosis and treatment I avoided serious complications related to Lime Disease or Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease, which I managed to fight through thanks to the detoxification method. 

The effectiveness of the therapy is absolutely impressive. I highly recommend it to everyone who is not well or just as a prophylactic action.

D Zysko, London
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