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Types of Toxins

We are exposed to all kind of toxins all the time. Even the simplest of daily routines can expose one to several common pollutants found in the water we drink, food we eat, and air we breathe. While our liver, kidneys and lymphatic system play a major role in removing biologically harmful compounds, our bodies have not evolved to deal with the growing number of toxins we unknowingly interact with every day. Detoxification systems can easily become overwhelmed, causing toxin overload. This happens when your body has taken in more toxins than it can process. When this happens, real damage is imminent.

We can divide toxins into four main groups, which are:

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  • Organic toxins (microbial toxins produced by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites)

  • Non-organic toxins (heavy metals, biogenic salts, chemicals, drugs and antibiotic, post-vaccination toxins, pesticides and all sort of radiation)

  •  Metabolic toxins (gluten, purines, casein, mucin and casomorfine)

  •  Emotional toxins – stress, anxiety, fear, anger and emotional psychocysts.

Toxins are always bad for our health and they are usually at the root of many chronic illnesses (beside genetic disorders or accidents).  Toxins impair our immune system making it less effective. When the immune system operates less effectively, our bodies are deprived of this natural shield thus we are more likely to develop an illness.  Toxins can contribute to many problems on different levels:

  • Physical: metabolic dysregulation, cardiovascular problems, respiratory complications, neurological issues and other

  • Mental: depression, chronic fatigue, neurosis and other

  • Emotional: psychosis, phobias, fear, aggression and other

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Toxic overload can cause several changes in your body. In the early stages, your body try to expel those toxins by any means necessary. You may experience diarrhoea, sneezing or coughing fits, excessive urination, sore throat, heartburn, nasal congestion or runny nose (from mucus overproduction), or vomiting. Many people notice changes to their body odour or excessively oily skin or spots and rushes since their bodies are acting to purge those toxins through their pores.

As the toxins gradually accumulate in your system, you may also find impairment to some 

of your faculties. Most people experience fatigue, memory difficulties, sleep impairment, eczema (and other inflammatory conditions like gout), depression, or “brain fog”.

In situations when the body is exposed to prolonged toxicity, our detoxification organs like liver, kidney or lymphatic system are burning out, what directly impacts the functioning of other associated organs. In results we are at the risk of developing a commonly known chronic illness like, Dementia, Arthritis, Asthma, Cancer, COPD, Crohn disease, Cystic Fibrosis, Diabetes, Heart Disease, High blood pressure, High cholesterol, Lower back pain, Migraine headaches, Stroke and many others.

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