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Who are we?

At the heart of Statera IK Ltd. are Izabella and Kat - founders and co-owners of the company. At some point in our lives we felt that having a career was simply not enough. On the surface, we both had good jobs in established companies and were promoted several times. Inside though, we were deeply unfulfilled and felt like we were not using our full potential. We both longed to wake up feeling like our work was making a difference – to someone  or something. This is when a thought came and provo-


ked us to leave the comfort zone and follow our passion for natural approach to health and life. Coming across the detoxification method by Dr Josef Jonas was a turning point. One night, when the kids were fast asleep, we were talking about life, health, nature, deep emotions, and quantum physics. Suddenly, an idea – like lightning – stroke us at random. It was an idea of becoming a therapist. By the morning, the plan of action was born. We worked hard to deepen our knowledge and gain experience and in November 2019 we established our company, Statera IK Ltd. The idea to promote balanced life free from toxins came from Dr Jonas, who between the lines about his unique method of removing toxins, strongly emphasised that physical, emotional, mental and energy balance is essential in maintaining health and happiness.

We would love to spread this word around, so other people can experience a toxins-free, healthy, and balanced life.

We invite you to join us on this amazing journey to your health transformation.

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