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Emotions, emotions, emotions!

Updated: Nov 2, 2020

Emotions control all our internal processes and immunity. Emotional information is particularly important for cells as this affects their functioning. We need healthy and balanced emotional experiences that will help us establish both physical equilibrium and social commitment. We need emotions and feelings; they show us the direction in life. If the emotions are suppressed, this disconnects the body from consciousness, which leads to a loss of ability to perceive surrounding us environment.

Emotions are not rational. Most often, the wrong emotional programs harm us, activating the emotional alarm when there is no reason to do so (e.g. fear of spiders). Often the activator of emotions are not only external circumstances, but also our thoughts and unprocessed life situations. It is difficult for us to accept them into consciousness because the subconscious mind demands from the consciousness to solve them. However, repeatedly provoking emotional reactions leads to a situation in which emotions are increasingly recorded in individual cells and organs.

Our consciousness is not enough to work through such subconscious programs. We cannot prohibit thinking about a situation that causes negative emotions. This would not help, because emotions evoke everything that reminds us of a specific situation. We need to change the perception of certain events to feel safe and well.

To this end, Statera IK uses Control Inner Cleansing (CIC) method according to Dr Josef Jonas and Recall Healing method according to Dr Gilbert Renaud. Both methods are based on the theory that during a traumatic experience our automatic brain suppress the involved emotions to the subconscious level. This is done automatically with the aim of protecting us from death.

Cells in our body can be massively impaired by stress and strong emotional experiences, which are toxic in their nature as they can cause, for example, autoimmune reactions or allergies. Stress and emotions can also block the immune response needed to remove other toxins and damaged cells.

Following Dr Renaud's philosophy, our automatic brain is equipped with the ability to block traumatic experiences and suppress traumatic emotions to the subconscious level in order to protect our lives. Recall Healing is the "study and identification" of the emotional trauma behind conditions and behaviours, which is an important step within the healing process.

According to Dr Jonas and the CIC philosophy, such repressed emotions are named psychocysts. Psychocysts are traumatic life episodes or event that a person denied from their consciousness to the subconsciousness, and which, when remembered and associated, create emotional blocks and adverse reactions. Feelings and experiences associated with this situation overwhelm us and usually, as a result, our mind disconnects from the body. In many cases, it is possible that the body will not cope with feelings of overwhelming and fall apart.

Most psychocysts find their way into dreams, but very rarely we can make the right interpretation, thus, to read the information from the subconscious level.

All information about our lives and the experiences of our ancestors are encoded in the genetic system, in individual cells, the brain, the body, as well as in all life processes. Following the creators of the CIC method, we can define nine stages in human life that could potentially create a psychocyst. These are:

· prenatal experience from conception to delivery or cutting the umbilical cord. Here the most important role is played by the child's parents and their mental attitude towards pregnancy; unplanned pregnancy, unwanted child, waiting for a boy and a girl is born.

· the period immediately after delivery - greeting the baby or a lack of it, separation from the mother, breastfeeding, surgery, or other medical procedures.

· experience from the hospital environment at any age.

· education - psychocysts from the educational process and educational methods of educators and parents.

· sexual encounters - mastering anal reflexes in childhood, sitting on the potty. Possible sexual trauma from a bad touch to sexual abuse.

· accidents - trauma related to accidents, injuries, or natural disasters.

· Psychological - everything related psychopathological experiences. Victim of psychopaths, harassment etc.

· Childhood - traumas from "common" educational methods in childhood; beating, insulting, psychological punishments.

· Relations - traumas of interpersonal relationships - death, abandonment, divorce, or betrayal.

Our holistic approach to health addresses the emotional burdens in conjunction with environmental, metabolic, and microbial toxins, which enables the person to regain their full emotional and intellectual potential along with the physical health.

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